Well, it's been a long time since I've even logged into my old blog or anyone else's for that matter. I sure have missed it. I think the tipping point was not having any little lambs of my own this year. I had to get my fix somehow, so I logged onto my old favorite blogs as well as a few new ones I found and soaked it all in.
I had to change the name of my blog at least to Pinewood Shetland (singular) or something totally new. I only have the one lonely Shetland and my 2 Merino ewes. I decided since it has been so long, I would just start fresh with a new name.
I hope to renew some old acquaintances as well as make a few new ones.

You DID worry me! Glad to see you back, even with a new name and only one lonely Shetland. How is everything???
everthing is great..just had a breakup with my computer for awhile I guess!
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