My last post mentioned that Lucy was an 85 pound sweetheart.....well.....I'm not calling her a sweetheart today!! This is the second heated bucket she has destroyed. These things are $60 each! I can't even imagine how she is managing to turn them around to even get to the cord. They are very heavy when full and I do keep them full. Anyway, I have put the new cord in a pvc pipe and rigged it so that she hopefully wont be able to get to it. I'm suprised she didn't get shocked. She doesn't even look guilty..well, maybe a little.

I also need to go out to the barn more often...there might be a baby soon. There are 2 girls who could go soon but they really don't look ready yet. I'm starting to think about names already. Last year my kids wanted to do a Disney theme. I don't know if I will go with a theme this year or not. Maybe since it is an election year, I could go with former president's names? Maybe Clinton for the frisky ram lamb? I might be onto something here..will have to give it more thought.