Here is a summer top that I have 1 side finished. I am most inspired to finish it first with summer approaching. It makes me think of a warm sunny day and a trip to someplace with a white sandy beach and tall tropical drinks.
This is one of those blocks of the month projects. I've kept up pretty well until this month. I have the next block class this week and as you can see this is not quite finished.
A gray cardigan I started at the end of winter this year. It is going to be lovely, but not high on the priority list. It probably wont get picked up again until the Fall.
This is a Babies and Bears jacket I am making for my mom for Christmas so I have awhile. Again, I have it half finished.
Here are half of my daughter's boxer shorts. Yes, I said boxer shorts. Never heard of anyone knitting boxer shorts? Me either. I told my friend who owns the yarn shop that if I ever came in to buy yarn to make more boxer shorts to please refuse to sell it to me.
Mohair...what can I say about mohair. I'm not a fan. Unfortunately, I didn't figure that out before I started this project. It is suppose to be a long sleeve shirt basically. I really don't know if I will be able to make myself finish this one. What can I say, I'm just a wool girl I guess.
Orange helmet liner for my dad for Christmas..last year. Maybe I can get it done before this Christmas!
A log cabin blanket I started because I have so much Eco Wool left over from an afghan I actually did finish. No hurry on this.

This is a top I started for my daughter and really only have to sew up the sides and weave in the ends. I think I am going to rip the neck out and do it with a different yarn. I used yarn I already had and not what the pattern called for and of course the stupid pattern was right! Redo!
Well, that is about all..there are probably more lurking in the basement or in my laundry room but I'm not going to search for them yet. I'm wondering if maybe this is a sickness! OK, I'm inspired to finish something now!