It is 4-H fair week!! We had the sheep show early this morning and now I finally have a moment to post. It has been a very hectic week but we are having a great time getting to know other "sheep people" in the area.

Here is my son showing the GRAND CHAMPION RAM!!! Our 4-H show lumps all breeds together instead of
separating them so I could not believe the judge placed our Shetland ram over all the other breeds. Our 4-H show is not very big and it seems to get smaller every year...but still...it was very exciting. I think I saw a few jaws drop when it was announced. Don't get me wrong, everyone there thought our sheep were "cute and sweet" , but I really don't think anyone expected us to win anything. The judge thought our sheep had wonderful conformation and fleece.

Our other sheep did pretty good also. We had a first place ram lamb and first place ewe lamb. The Junior Fair followed the 4-H show and we were the only wool breed there....so as you can imagine...we did REALLY well in the wool breed class!!!! My son learned a lot about showing and he had several friends help him out when he had more than one sheep in a class.
I was
approached by a man from a neighboring county and he asked if I would consider bringing my Shetlands to his county fair next year. He told me they would have a
separate Shetland class if I was willing. I thought that was
awesome!!! We will try to make that happen next year. Well, I am off to check on my sheep....