I have been in Arkansas for a week so have not had a chance to post. I got a call from my dad saying my grandma was not going to make it much longer and she wanted to say goodbye to everyone. She has been in the hospital for about a month. She passed out at home and was taken to the ER. She is now in extended care where they are hoping she will get strong enough to go home. I really don't think that will happen. She wont eat and is getting very weak. I was able to spend several days with her and I am very grateful. At 94 she is one of the funniest people I know. She doesn't even mean to be funny. She makes ma laugh and smile. She kept telling us all to be good to each other and love each other. Family is and has always been everything to her. The nurses love her because every time one of them would do anything for her she would say what every southern lady says..."bless your heart". She seems to be at peace and she knows where she is going when she leaves here. I'm just thankful that God picked me to be her granddaughter. 
I haven't posted a picture of Lucy in awhile. She is an 85 pound sweetheart. She knows what her purpose is. She is happier because she knows her job is to guard her sheep. Day 3 of The Purpose Driven Life is about what drives your life.

I haven't posted a picture of Lucy in awhile. She is an 85 pound sweetheart. She knows what her purpose is. She is happier because she knows her job is to guard her sheep. Day 3 of The Purpose Driven Life is about what drives your life.
"Everyone's life is driven by something. "
The 5 most common ones are:
Resentment and anger
The need for approval
The benefits of a purpose driven life are:
Knowing your purpose gives meaning to your life
Knowing your purpose simplifies your life
Knowing your purpose focuses your life
Knowing your purpose motivates your life
Knowing your purpose prepares you for eternity.
"Point to ponder: Living on purpose is the path to peace"
Verse of the week:
"You Lord, give perfect peace to those who keep their purpose firm and put their trust in you." Isaiah 26:3 (TEV)