Well, it is good to be back in the land of Internet. Our satellite system basically blew up and we had to wait on them to come install a whole new system. I never realized how much I rely on the Internet! I keep up with my checkbook, the weather, my kids grades and homework assignments, email and of course my blog and the blogs I enjoy reading. Hopefully, this new system will work better than the old one. So much to share since I last posted so here goes...
The shearer came. All I can really say about him is he did get the wool off the sheep and he was a nice guy. Several cuts and not very even shearing. When he left I was both relieved and irritated. Relieved to have the wool off the sheep and irritated at how they look. I really shouldn't complain since I didn't have to do it myself this year!

We still don't have any babies! There are 4 girls who look like they could go any day. I think they will be spread out quite a bit this year. I was hoping to have all the babies on the ground by spring break and that is obviously not going to happen since that starts Friday. Oh well.
I have started picking through all the fleeces and washing some. I am very happy with most of them and hope to have them all ready to take to The Fiber Event in Greencastle, IN in April. Frankenmuth Mill will be there to take your wool. Saves me having to box it all up and mail it.
I have also been experimenting with dyeing. I have one fleece that I'm not crazy about so I am using her fleece to practice on. I am also using colors I'm not crazy about. This is a lime green used on a light gray fleece. The color will be variegated since her fleece is gray, brown and even has some black in it. Should be interesting.