Halloween just doesn't seem the same when your kids outgrow dressing up and trick or treating. Although my daughter did dress up for the local haunted house her class put on as a lady named Betsy Reed who is believed to have been hung where our High School now stands for poisoning her husband. Nice. It was actually very cool. That is her in the wedding dress poisoning her "husband".
My daughter who is in college mentioned missing the Fall decorations and pumpkins so I found this University of Illinois flannel fabric at Wal-Mart and made her a pumpkin. It was super easy and I know it made her smile.
I thought by now I would be able to post a picture of what Halloween becomes when your kids turn into teenagers...having your yard and trees decorated with toilet paper. So far, only one group showed up and my son and a friend were waiting for them and scared them off before they got the job done.
Have a Happy Halloween!