Here is a picture of my daughter and our Great Pyr, Woody, about 9 years ago. Woody only lived for 9 months due to a congenital kidney defect. He was an awesome dog and now I have the itch for another one. We didn't have sheep when Woody was with us but that is why I want one now. I am nervous about this coming winter and the numerous coyotes we have in our area. We have nothing but farm land surrounding us and when the crops are gone and the cold makes it hard for them to find food, they really become a problem. I only had 6 sheep last winter and so they were in a pretty confined area but now they have access to the pasture and

I would just feel better with a guardian out there full time.. I have a lead on a puppy so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I can find one soon. Dogs are just the most amazing animals. Is there really another animal that gives such unconditional love? They could care less what you look like, how much money you have or any of that stuff. I've always thought they must come as close as possible to being the perfect example of how God wants us to love one another.

I snapped this picture as storms passed thru again this evening. We went from no rain to having rain everyday. I'm not complaining...the grass is green and the pasture is looking good again. The sheep are is the verse for the week...hope you enjoy it.
Know that the Lord is God. It is he who made us, and we are his, we are his people, the sheep of his pasture. Psalm 100:3