I was able to visit a friend of mine who has acquired a small flock of Baby doll Southdown sheep. She has had alpacas for years and recently expanded into sheep. I think this little girl has the cutest face. She is being bottle fed so she is very friendly. I didn't realize that this is what the original Southdown sheep looked like.
I now know 2 other ladies from my area who raise sheep. One of them even offered to haul my sheep to the 4-H fair for me since I do not own a trailer. I was so relieved because I really wasn't looking forward to making 4 trips to the fairgrounds with dog crates full of sheep in the back of my Tahoe. She and her daughter also came out this morning while we were working on the halter training (which is going much better) and gave my son a few pointers on showing... So thank you to Jamie and Hannah for all your help!!