My kids and I got on a boat and left our home last week because all the roads had at least 4 feet of water over them. I rode on a boat through corn fields and under irrigation systems watching propane tanks float by. My husband stayed behind to watch the animals and take care of basically everything. The farmers have lost all their crops.

I was able to come home yesterday when we found a route that is accessible with a 4 wheel drive. Unfortunately, it takes 45 minutes to get to town now instead of 10. I am grateful to be home and I am grateful that I had a home to come home to. I can't stop thinking of all the people who have lost everything.

Unfortunately, I will not have anything for my sheep to eat this summer. The pasture will be gone. I am going to have to get rid of almost all of my sheep. I can keep about 5 in the black fenced area that was not affected. What am I going to do with the other 20 sheep? If you know of anyone who would like to add to their flock...and do it cheaply, please let me know.

This is our normal route to town. The road is gone beneath all that water. It will be some time before we take that route again. We will only be able to go to town once a day so I will be waiting in town for my daughter while she works. I am looking forward to helping with the Red Cross this week to prepare meals for emergency workers at our church.

James 1:2-4
I'm so sorry about the devistation you are experiencing due to the flooding. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and the others experiencing this hardship.
I wish I could help with your Shetlands, but I live too far to transport them.
Thank you Vicki..I really appreciate it..every day is getting a little better!
I am SO sorry Sheila! I had no idea you were so hard hit by the flooding.
I would be more than happy to board (no charge, of course!) a bunch of your sheep for you until you get your land back, if that would help. I don't have any hay here but I have lush pasture and I would be happy to share it with you so that you could keep your flock....
There should be plenty of hay available, this summer, from area farmers. I'm sure the price will be higher (I paid $3.00 a bale last year) but every thing else is too.
Please, let me know if I can help you in any way!
Thank you Nancy. I can't get a trailer out yet but hopefully in a week or so I can. I am still trying to figure out what to do and waiting to see how bad the pasture is going to be. Your offer is very generous and I truly appreciate it...you are very kind.
Dear Sheila,
I've been slowly catching up on my blog reading since getting back last week, and finally got to yours. Had seen a post on the Shetland list about the floods in your area and was almost afraid to look, but am so thankful to hear that you and yours are safe. I do hope you can work out something to keep your sheep. Sounds like hay in Nancy's area will be far cheaper than here; we just paid $6.50/bale for okay-quality local grass hay.
Thanks Michelle..hope you had a good time on your trip. I had bought 50 bales of hay about 3 weeks ago so I am thankful for that and it was $4 a bale so not too bad. I just didn't expect to have to feed it until winter!!
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