It is raining..again...but there are beautiful signs of Spring everywhere. The ewes from 2 of the breeding groups have all lambed and now I'm waiting on the third group of girls. I can't wait to see the lambs from the ram I leased but they seem to be in no hurry to show me. Hope your lambing is going smoothly and I am enjoying all the lamb pictures I see on the blogs.
Here is the verse of the week..hope you enjoy.
The following is taken from The Purpose Driven Life..
What makes God smile?
God smiles when we love him supremely. "I don't want your sacrifices - I want your love; I don't want your offerings - I want you to know me." Hosea 6:6 (LB)
God smiles when we trust him completely. "He takes pleasure in those that honor Him; in those who trust in His constant love." Psalm 147: 11 (TEV)
God smiles when we obey him wholeheartedly. "Obey him gladly." Psalm 100:2 (LB)
God smiles when we praise and thank him continually. "The righteous are glad and rejoice in his presence; they are happy and shout for joy." Psalm 68:3 (TEV)
God smiles when we use our abilities. "He has shaped each person in turn; now he watches everything we do." Psalm 33:15 (Msg)